What Color Should My Dog’s Poop Be?

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Your dog’s poop color could indicate a health issue.

Picking up your dog’s poop may not be the most enjoyable part of your day, but if you know what to look for, your pet’s stool can be a useful indicator of their intestinal health.

Use our dog poop color chart to help identify potential health concerns your dog might be facing.

Dog Poop Color Chart: What to Look for in Your Dog’s Poop

Green, yellow, black or red stool are all signs to be aware of in your dog’s bowel movements.

My Dog’s Poop Is Brown

In general, your dog’s feces should be a brown color, though the color will vary depending on what your dog is eating. A healthy bowel movement should be firm but not too firm, and your dog should go regularly, though not more than a few times a day.

My Dog’s Poop Is Green

Green feces might indicate that your dog has been eating grass. No one is quite sure, but many believe dogs eat grass when they have an upset stomach or are feeling sick. Dogs might also eat grass simply because they’re bored, hungry or like the taste, so this color stool is not always cause for concern. The main concern when a dog eats grass is vomiting.  If you notice your dog is eating grass and vomiting, reach out to your veterinarian.

My Dog’s Poop Is Yellow

Yellow to orange feces is not normal under any circumstance and most likely points to an issue with your dog’s gallbladder, liver or pancreas. If you notice that your dog's stool has a yellowish color, then a trip to the vet is warranted.

My Dog’s Poop Is Red or Black

Red streaks in your dog's stool represents blood, and many things can cause this. Anything from stress to parasites can contribute to blood appearing in the stool.

If your dog’s stool is black, this also represents blood — but blood that has been digested. This typically means there is an ulcer or parasite issue going on, but it could indicate other health concerns as well.

If you notice blood in your pet's stool or it appears dark and tarry, a trip to the vet is in store.

My Dog's Stool Has White Spots in It

Luckily, there are not many things besides tapeworms that appear as white spots in your dog's poop.  The white spots are actually tapeworm egg packets that resemble grains of rice or sesame seeds. In these cases, simply deworming your dog should do the trick. Fleas often carry tapeworms, so checking your dog for fleas and applying flea control is important in helping prevent tapeworms from reoccurring.

Dog Poop Size and Consistency

Apart from color, the size and consistency of your dog’s stool can also reveal a lot about their digestive health.

My Dog’s Poop Is Hard

Hard pellets or hard stool might indicate your dog is suffering from constipation and/or dehydration. Ensure your dog is getting enough water, and the issue should clear up. While more of a cat problem, if your dog routinely has hard stools and seems to take a little longer to defecate than normal, it might indicate they have pain or weakness in their backend.

My Dog’s Poop Is Runny

Liquid stool is a sign of diarrhea in dogs and should be monitored. However, if this condition clears up within a day or two, you typically don’t need to worry, especially if your dog is not vomiting, has a good appetite and is behaving normally.

While your dog’s poop color and consistency aren’t the only indicators of intestinal health, they can serve as a quick visual cue that something isn’t quite right. If your dog’s poop is yellow, black or red, or if they have diarrhea for more than a few days in a row, consult your vet to rule out any serious health issues.

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